Build a reputation for expertise. Create leads.

April 8, 2010

HubSpot held a free webinar yesterday on “The State Of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation.” HubSpot’s business is helping their 2,500 high-tech clients manage the leads they generate online. Although I don’t think they have many non-profit clients,* some of the research they presented should work for us as well.

HubSpot surveyed their clients, got 1,400 valid answers, and aggregated the results to determine which inbound marketing techniques worked best.

But first, what’s “inbound marketing”? Read the rest of this entry »

Make Money from Donated Tickets

March 31, 2010

See the article, Unused tickets become nonprofit cash, about a new fundraising site. At, people who’ve bought tickets they can’t use for sports, music, theater and other entertainment activities can donate the tickets to a charity.

So far, the site seems to be for Chicago-based events and charities only, but it’s a nice idea.

And Why the Internet Exists…

March 31, 2010

Neurosonics Live from Chris Cairns on Vimeo.

What You Wanted to Know about the Internet

March 31, 2010

Here’s everything you wanted to know, in just a few minutes:

JESS3 / The State of The Internet from JESS3 on Vimeo.

Your Next Top Model (Funding Model, That Is)

March 29, 2010

Who are you? Are you the prettiest nonprofit on the block, or are you the nonprofit with a lot of potential but no compelling look or style?

If you don’t know, you might want to read “Ten Nonprofit Funding Models” by William Foster, Peter Kim, and Barbara Christiansen in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

The authors point out that, if you don’t know what kind of organization you are, you risk missing out on good matches with philanthropists. “When nonprofits and funding sources are not well matched, money doesn’t flow to the areas where it will do the most good,” they say.

Here’s their list:

  1. Heartfelt Connection (example: Make-a-Wish Foundation)
  2. Beneficiary Builder (Princeton University)
  3. Member Motivator (Saddleback Church)
  4. Big Bettor (Stanley Medical Research Institute)
  5. Public Provider (Success for All Foundation)
  6. Policy Innovator (Youth Villages)
  7. Beneficiary Broker (Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership)
  8. Resource Recycler (AmeriCares Foundation)
  9. Market Maker (Trust for Private Land)
  10. Local Nationalizer (Big Brothers Big Sisters)

The article describes the various models and also how to maximize each model’s assets to find fame and success.

Note that, although articles like these are often reductive (think Cosmopolitan magazine’s “10 ways to make him love your hair” or whatever), it sometimes helps to make lists. They make you think about your organization and clarify your strategies, even if you decide you don’t quite match any of the options.

Obfuscate! How to Cut Down on Spam from Your Own Website

March 29, 2010

A July 2009 Technology Review article talks about the work of spam researchers from Indiana University. Some of key bits of information are:

  • Probably more than 90 percent of the email messages traversing the Internet are spam, according to MessageLabs.
  • Email addresses included in comments posted to popular websites were more likely to be picked up by spambots and to result in spam.

But also:

  • Using a simple obfuscation technique like replacing the @ with “-at-” works “surprisingly well” against email harvesting, according to researcher Craig Shue.
  • Submitting an email address to a legitimate website rarely resulted in spam. “If you go to less reputable sites, then you will get spam,” said Shue.

Fast Smart Web Design generally obfuscates emails on the websites we set up for our clients–what appears on the client’s Contact Us page, for example, is a mailto link on something like “emailname at”

Sometimes the client complains that the email doesn’t work (“You used ‘at’ instead of the @ sign!”). But after a little digging, we usually find that the person trying to use the link hasn’t chosen an email system with which to send an email from the web page. Each browser—Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox—has an option or preference for picking the email program you want to use.

For example, in Firefox, under the Tools menu, pick Options, then go to the Applications tab. Scroll down to “Mailto” and pick your favorite email program. Sometimes this solves the problem. Sometimes it doesn’t, and I don’t know why yet. (Anybody have any clues?)

Fidelity’s Managed Giving Fund #2 Grantmaker: Who’d Have Thought?

March 19, 2010

The Nonprofit Quarterly online newsletter published an article recently on the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund. The fund is managed by Fidelity Investments, a very large mutual fund organization in which you yourself may have a 401(K) or IRA.

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund doesn’t decide who to send the money to but rather lets its investors tell the fund where and when to send cash. It also makes it easy to distribute money:  “Fidelity seems dedicated to a low barrier approach to its donor-advised funds, recently lowering the minimum level for a donor’s investment for setting up a fund down to $5,000,” says the article’s author, Rick Cohen. “It has, according to Libbey, also entirely eliminated any minimum level required for adding to a donor-advised fund and lowered the minimum size grant to $50.”

The fund distributed more than $1 billion last year. For more information, see Fidelity’s Charitable Gift Fund Shows Well in Recession.

Note: Vanguard and Schwab also offer managed gift funds. See Yes, you can start your own charitable gift foundation for more information.

Money from government

March 5, 2010

If you’re trying to get money from local, state, and/or federal government sources, check out this article from GuideStar:

Place Your Bets: How to Get and Preserve Government Funding in Tough Economic Times

Some of my favorite bits: Why state and local funding tends to be more volatile. Enlisting a choir of angels to praise your program for you. Work with your competitors instead of against them. Invite legislators to your place of business.

Museum Salary Survey: Museos Unite!

February 12, 2010

If you work at or for museums, please consider filling my colleague’s museum salary survey. It’s pretty quick and painless. Go to Museos Unite! and click Take the Survey.

In Honor of Manual Labor

February 1, 2010

On the way into work today, I was listening to Krista Tippett’s interview with Mike Rose, author of The Mind at Work: Valuing the Intelligence of the American Worker and Lives on the Boundary: A Moving Account of the Struggles and Achievements of America’s Educationally Underprepared.

Rose was describing the intelligence required to weld, wait on tables, and do carpentry and plumbing, and how that kind of intelligence is undervalued in American society. To paraphrase, the “good” students take the academic track and go to college. The “bad” students go into vocational and technical schools and become manual laborers.

This dichotomy always seemed wrong to me, and perhaps shows like This Old House and Iron Chef America are demonstrating how much intelligence manual labor actually requires.

“Long Hours, Dirty Work, No Pay”

But the interview also reminded me of my days 15 years ago as a Ship Wavertree volunteer at South Street Seaport Museum. When you joined the crew, no one gave you an orientation—you were sized up and then sent to chip paint, polish brass, carry large heavy pieces of wood up gangplanks, etc., until you proved you could do more skilled work. We had many master carpenters, metalworkers, and sailors (and the Seaport ships still do), all pretty much peer- and self-taught.

But it wasn’t until we started an activist organization, Volunteers in Support of South Street Seaport Museum (VISOSSSM), that anyone asked what Wavertree volunteers did Monday to Friday. Here’s a partial list from an imperfect memory: software programmer; insurance executive; graphic designer; telephone system installer; office administrator; NYCT bureaucrat; lawyer; silk-screen operator; Wall Street analyst; doctor; rocket scientist;  neurologist; artist; land surveyor; choreographer; advertising traffic person; videographer; engineer.

If any situation can prove that individuals have multiple intelligences, that should be it. Our experience also proved that manual skills can be held in high regard—our heroes were the carpenters like Kenny Fatton, riggers like Lars Hansen, and metalworkers like Chuck Watson (land surveyor and artist). And finally, it also proved a craving for real, hard, manual work by all these intellectuals and middle managers.

Those of us who run historic houses and ships often channel that craving into our volunteer programs. But maybe we could be more systematic about it: Let’s help more people fulfill their need to get tired and really, really dirty.

On a different tack

For a description of work as interpersonal intelligence, see Cognition in the Wild. Here’s one of my favorite quotes (although it doesn’t make the same point as much of the rest of the book, that our artifacts and modes of communication contain intelligence that we take advantage of without necessarily recognizing it) :

“My initial assumption about work in military settings was that behaviors are explicitly described and that people act more or less as automatons. It should be apparent by now that this is far from the case. I also naively assumed that most communication on the job would be part of the job and nothing more. As I worked with the data, something that Roy D’Andrade once said kept coming back to me. A student was making a point about what people do at work, saying that in an auto factory people mostly make cars. Roy said something like: ‘How do you know what they are doing? Maybe what they are making is social relationships and the cars are a side effect.’” From Cognition in the Wild, Edwin Hutchins, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000, p. 225.